Friday, September 24, 2010

Apache.NMS.Stomp v1.4.0 released.

The Apache.NMS.Stomp 1.4.0 Release bundle is now available. This release is based on the Apache.NMS API v1.4.0 and runs on .NET frameworks 2.0+, .NETCF 2.0+ and Mono 2.0+.

Changes in this version include

* Added a FailoverTransport to the Stomp Client.
* Improved URI handling in all NMS clients.
* Improved handling of Request Timeout settings.
* Added a new SetBytes method to IMapMessage.
* Added a new MessageTransformer API.
* Many bug fixes.

There are release binaries and debug binaries (with PDBs) provided. The binary ZIP files include pre-built assemblies for all of the platforms that are supported.

You can download the source and binaries from here.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ v1.4.0 officially released.

Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ v1.4.0 has just been released.

This release fixes several bugs found since the 1.3.0 release and also adds some great new features.

  • Improved URI handling in all NMS clients.
  • Improved handling of Request Timeout settings.  When a request times out now you will see a RequestTimedOutException thrown.
  • Added a new SetBytes method to IMapMessage.
  • Added a new MessageTransformer API, you can now intercept a Message as its sent or received and add / update / or replace that message.
  • NMS.ActiveMQ will now handle transforming foreign NMS Messages into its own internal format when they are sent so you can easy route Messages from one NMS provider to another.
  • Many new Unit Tests added to the Test Suite.
You can download the binaries and source bundles here.

Monday, September 13, 2010

ActiveMQ-CPP v3.2.3 Released

A new release of ActiveMQ-CPP is out today, v3.2.3.

This versions fixes a couple of issues with the 3.2.2 release.
  • Fix a threading issue when multiple connections were created from two or more threads at the same time.
  •  Fix a segmentation fault when a MapMessage is received with a bytes array element that is empty.
  •  Fix the pkg-config script to reflect the actual libtool library version and not the official release version.
You can download the source bundles from here.